Sunday, October 21, 2018


she breathes the air
with eyes wide open
she sees what most overlook
but to her it's magic
the light glistens
and the sky dims
the birds converse
and the stars -- they wink
a secret language shared between her
and her
she recognizes that all beings' conception is uniform
we are all one
disparate in manifestation, yes
but connected
deeply connected
she will not stray from this connection
she craves it
sometimes it overwhelms her
she feels it in the others
like twin telepathy
we are all siblings

Monday, February 19, 2018


the two most important things in this beautiful life are connection and exploration.

connect and explore.

to yourself / by yourself
to others / with others 
to nature / in nature

to figure out yourself is to discover what moves you. what makes your soul happy. who makes your should happy. where your soul is happy. 

there is no wrong decision; every experience teaches you something new.

nothing is permanent. you'll never know until you try.

you cannot remain guarded. an open heart is an open door.

open your heart to open your mind.

connect. explore.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


I can't sleep. If this goddamn blood pressure cuff squeezes me one more time I'm going to lose it. This is so unnecessary. I shouldn't be here. My picc line stings. My veins are black and blue. Why is that machine beeping? Here comes my nurse. Should I pretend to sleep? Screw it. She's probably here for more blood work, anyway. 

Oh, how easy it is to let negative self-talk dictate your reality.

"Why me?" is easier than "challenge accepted."
Self-pity is easier than self-confidence.
Anger is easier than acceptance.

When your reality becomes interrupted and your sympathetic responses kick in, it's hard to turn off this kind of negative self-talk. But it's so critical.

In times of uncertainty, remind yourself that this is not an obstacle in your path; this obstacle is your path. You are right where you should be. You are being taught a very important lesson. You have graduated and moved on to a higher level of acceptance. Every situation teaches you something, and often these lessons are repeated in different forms until that lesson has been learned.

Take yourself out of the situation and just observe. Think rationally but with compassion and acceptance. Be kind to yourself for experiencing these emotions; be there for you, then help yourself find the silver lining.

"Why me?" I'll tell you why --
because you're ready for this.