Sunday, August 31, 2014


Russ got me a pull-up bar in February 2013. I couldn't do a single pull-up.
I'd hang on the bar and try to pull myself up. I'd fail. 
I'd jump up and slowly lower myself down. 
I'd repeat. 
I'd statically hold myself up for 5 seconds. 
I'd repeat. 
I'd do this every single time I entered and exited my room. 
Two weeks later I was doing a complete pull-up. 
Two months later I was doing six in a row.

For those of you who've never attempted pull-ups, they're hard. 
The average amount that a woman can do is zero.
I never expected that in such a short amount of time, my body could develop the muscular strength and endurance to pull myself completely up from a hanging position. Multiple times.
I experimented this with my a few of my clients, using the assisted pull-up machine. Before I knew it, they were doing unassisted pull-ups as well.

Our bodies are amazing. Truly amazing. We have the power to become so strong and fit, and all it takes is a little determination, repetition, and hard work.
Let this be your Sunday motivation.
Don't give up on your body; it is capable of amazing things.

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